Why does my child throw food and what to do about it?
A Montessori approach to food throwing

It is very common and normal for babies and toddlers to throw food, utensils, and almost anything that they are able to pick up and drop. They don’t purposely annoy parents, but are going through a necessary developmental stage for them to learn, experiment, observe cause and effect, and repeat. They will eventually outgrow this stage. And here are a few suggestions, so we can meet their developmental needs, while minimizing food throwing.
1. Observe your child to find the message behind throwing food. Consider their throwing is a way of communication. Are they not hungry, not interested in today’s food? Is there too much food on the plate that they feel overwhelmed? Are they tried, bored? Are they not getting enough time to throw balls?
2. Immediately redirect your child. Based on your observations, you may choose to take away their food, give them an empty bowl/plate to “throw” (put) food in, offer two food options during mealtime, serve less food at a time, let them rest, or play throwing balls.
3. Stay calm but firm. It’s easier said than done, but understanding their true motive behind throwing helps us remain patient and calm. Remember they are learning cause-effect relationships, so the more we make it a big deal, the more they may want to repeat the cause to see the effect. Every time they throw food, verbalize their behavior and consequence, and immediately redirect. For example, “You are throwing food. Food is for eating. It seems that you are full, so I’m going to take the food away”, and then do so.
4. Consistency is the key. It may take some time for your child to understand the concept (food is not for throwing) and consequences. Be consistent every time, and they will eventually understand, and form good table manners.
5. Model good table manners and love of food. The child is like a little sponge at this age, and they unconsciously absorb and learn from the environment and from parents. If you haven’t, it is a great idea to start eating together with them at the table.